Monday 26 March 2012

dear future husband

Dear future husband
I know you might think I am girl with high expenses. And I know you'll be afraid to live with me. But dear, if you know me, you know I would spend only with my money. Yes, my business will surely turned great Insya-Allah. You can keep yours baby. Dont worry ;) 

And dear,
I know marriage gonna caused you a lot , i mean a lot.
and you know how much i hate to hear when people use their parent's money for their walimatul urus.
I know how I use to tell you that I wanna travel the world. But dear. I have this wish. Make this one dream a reality please

bring me here,i dont want those precious diamonds i always mumble about, ONLY THIS

My mum and I always have this conversation
ibu: kaklong, if one day you're about to get married. just do what is necessary which you can afford.
kaklong: i will ibu.
ibu: ukur baju di badan sendiri long
kaklong : i know bu and i will.

hey ! suddenly pasal kawin kan.??! pelik. haha.

sukati aku laaaa, blog aku....

 but, I make myself a promise. kahwin jgn pakai duit ibu atau ayah. hikhik. insyaAllah.